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Mayelana NATHI

Mayelana nodokotela abahlanganisiwe, i-LLP

Internist Dr. Fothergill sitting with a patient.

Odokotela Abahlangene, i-LLP ihlukile. Singumsebenzi wezokwelapha omude kunabo bonke osebenza eDane County, ozimele, futhi okhethekile, ngakho-ke siyaziqhenya ngokunikeza ukunakekelwa kwezempilo okwenziwe ngezifiso ezizukulwaneni zemindeni eMadison nasemiphakathini eyizungezile.


Odokotela bethu abaqinisekiswe ngamabhodi bangongoti kwi-Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Podiatry. Uhlelo lwethu lwamarekhodi ezokwelapha ngogesi, i-Epic, lusezingeni eliphezulu. Amathimba ethu ezokwelapha afaka abahlengikazi ababhalisiwe abanolwazi, abanamakhono kakhulu. Futhi izinsizakalo zethu zokuhlanganisa, kufaka phakathi ukwelashwa ngokomzimba okukhona, impilo yokuziphatha, ukwelulekwa ngokudla, i-laboratory, i-radiology, kanye nomtholampilo we-anticoagulation kukunika ukufinyelela okuthe xaxa nezinketho zokunakekelwa kwezempilo.


Odokotela Abahlangene, i-LLP bekulokhu kuwumkhuba wezokwelapha oqondiswa odokotela, hhayi izinkampani zomshuwalense. Ngakho-ke senza okuhle kakhulu ezigulini zethu, hhayi umugqa waphansi womunye umuntu. Ohlelweni lokunakekelwa kwezempilo oluba nzima ngokwengeziwe futhi olungenabuntu, ama-Associated Physicians, i-LLP ithanda ubudlelwano besikhathi eside besidokotela neziguli obunikelwe impilo yakho engcono kakhulu.

Our Mission


Relationships with our patients are built on trust and compassion. We recognize and affirm the unique and intrinsic worth of each individual. We treat all those we serve with respect, dignity, compassion, and kindness.

We are an independent clinic that nurtures the healthy, heals the sick, and comforts suffering across all stages of life.  In recognition of this mission, we strive to deliver high-quality, cost-effective healthcare in the communities we serve.  We aim to provide safe, caring and unbiased medical treatment in an environment that is inclusive of everyone.  We respect and validate the unique needs of our patients and staff and are committed to providing judgment-free care that is driven by our patients themselves. Our staff and providers uphold shared high standards and treat both our patients and each other with the dignity that everyone deserves. 

In pursuit of our mission, we believe the following values are essential and timeless:

Odokotela abangochwepheshe nabasebenzi ngokunakekelwa kochwepheshe.

Isikhonkwane uWilcots, MD

Ophethwe futhi ophethwe odokotela, senza okuhle kakhulu ezigulini zethu hhayi emgqeni wethu. Ubudlelwano obunenjongo nodokotela neziguli bubalulekile ezigulini ukuze zigcine impilo yazo ingcono.


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