De beste fødselsleger og gynekologene vet at pasientens helsebehov er unike. Fra graviditet til beinhelse, til hormonelle endringer, du vil at den beste OB/GYN -legen alltid skal være der for deg.
Det er derfor OB/GYN -spesialistene til assosierte leger, LLP, er partnere i helsevesenet ditt på alle trinn. Vi tilbyr personlig, omfattende helsehjelp i et varmt og støttende miljø på et enkelt sted, akkurat her i Madison, Wisconsin.

Making the IUD Process Easier with Dr. Schmehil

Pelvic Exams with Dr. Masana

Birth Control: Uses and Benefits with Dr. Sharma

IUD Placement with Dr. Sharma

On behalf of the OB/GYN department, Dr. Sharma and Dr. Masana joined patient, Kaia, to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about Roe v. Wade and the Dobbs v. Jackson decision. They want you to know that OB/GYNs are still here for you and able to provide resources and care before and after an abortion.

Roe v. Wade FAQs
Video Content Map:
0:25 - What is Roe v. Wade?
0:43 - What is Dobbs v. Jackson?
1:17 - What does this mean for Wisconsin?
2:37 - What is the practice for miscarriage/ectopic pregnancies?
3:37 - What can OB/GYN do if I want an abortion?
4:37 - Can I get in legal trouble for an out-of-state abortion?
5:14 - Can abortion pills still be mailed to me?
6:09 - Are "home abortions" safe and effective?
7:47 - What should I do in a reproductive health emergency?
8:56 - What resources are available for mental health?

TW: Gendered Language—See Disclaimer.
Many of us know and love someone who has experienced a miscarriage. While absolutely devastating for countless parents, 10-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, with 80% occurring before the 12th week of pregnancy. Unfortunately, after a recent ruling in Texas, Mifepristone, an FDA-approved medication used for over two decades to more safely and effectively manage miscarriage, has been called into question. Losing access to this medication means physicians are left with more invasive (surgical), risky, and less effective treatment for miscarrying patients.
Dr. Sharma and Dr. Masana teamed up to provide the facts on just how VITAL Mifepristone is for reproductive healthcare.

Mifepristone FAQs
Our OB/GYN department provides care to ALL patients regardless of their sexual or gender identity, and both support and validate ALL under our care on their unique journeys. The use of the word “woman” in this sense is to allow this CRUCIAL message to reach those who may be unaware or unsure about the impact this ruling has on the reproductive health of ALL patients who may become pregnant.