ASSOCIATED PHYSICIANS, LLP is a network provider for the following plans.
This list may not include all of our in or out-of-network insurance providers. Please check with your health insurance provider to confirm network status and coverage of our services. Our staff does not have access to the details of your health benefit plan and coverage.
If you have any questions related to your specific health care benefits for an upcoming visit, please click on the name of your insurance provider below and contact them directly.
*Excludes Blue & Silver Priority Plans
(Quartz, United Health Care, Blue Cross Blue Shield)
*This plan is discount only and does not make the insurance carrier part of the contracted network. Plan holders will receive in-network rates, but services will be applied to out-of-network benefits.
*Please check in-network status for our providers by clinic NPI (1861412785) OR your plan ID, as all plans are not in network (i.e. Humana Gold Plus)
*Commercial Health Plan only, effective 4/1/2024
*Quartz Community Plan is an out-of-network plan for our clinic. The new Quartz Cigna PPO Plan will not cover care at Associated Physicians.
*As of 1/1/2024, Security Health Plan Medicare Advantage Plans no longer have out-of-network benefits for DME supplies

¿Tiene un plan EPO?
EPO significa plan de "Organización de proveedor exclusivo". Como miembro de una EPO, puede utilizar los médicos y hospitales de la red de la EPO, pero no puede acudir fuera de la red para recibir atención. No hay beneficios fuera de la red, lo que significa que si el paciente va a un proveedor que no pertenece a la EPO, sus servicios correrán de su bolsillo.
WPS y Alliance tienen planes EPO en los que Associated Physicians no participan, así que asegúrese de consultar a sus proveedores de la red antes de seleccionar a su médico.

Pacientes de Medicare
Nos complace tener la oportunidad de brindar atención a los pacientes de Medicare. Como sabe, Medicare es un programa administrado por el gobierno diseñado para garantizar que las personas necesitadas tengan acceso a la atención médica. Para monitorear este programa, el gobierno cuenta con varios procesos y formularios que pueden ser nuevos para usted. Estamos obligados a cumplir estrictamente con los requisitos de Medicare detallados en este sitio.
"WHAT'S COVERED" APP Not sure if Medicare will cover your medical test or service?
Medicare’s free “What’s covered” app delivers accurate cost and coverage information right on your smartphone. Now you can quickly see whether Medicare covers your service in the doctor’s office, the hospital, or anywhere else you use your phone.
The app delivers general cost, coverage and eligibility details for items and services covered by Medicare Part A and Part B. Search or browse to learn what’s covered and not covered; how and when to get covered benefits; and basic cost information. You can also get a list of covered preventive services. Click the appropriate link below to download!
Medicare Mobile has expanded! You can now stay up-to-date on the latest Medicare news by texting NEWS to 37702 to get exclusive notifications straight to your phone.
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