Educating Our Community
A huge part of any doctor's job is education and, at Associated Physicians, we are fortunate to have made many friends in the media industry who help us with that responsibility. We have used this platform to tell our community about the importance of routine health checks, and knowing one's body and we will continue to share the endless ways in which that can be done.
If you are a part of a media group and would like to involve us in a project, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via our contact form or just mail us information! We are always looking for opportunities to spread our message to our community and would be honored to consider your request.
Fit & Fabulous
Wisconsin Women

Local Health Experts

Articles and Press Releases

Our Executive Director, Terri, and Physician Revenue Cycle Manager, Peg, were featured in a Medical Economics article! In it, they discuss the benefits of keeping revenue cycle management in a practice. This is just one example of how our independence as a clinic can benefit our patients. We appreciate all of the hard work our operations team puts in to get us nationally recognized.

Associated Physicians ranked first among WCHQ members on our scores related to screening patients for colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer almost always develops from precancerous polyps, which are abnormal growths in the colon. Screening tests can find these polyps so they can be removed before they turn into cancer.

Associated Physicians was recognized as a Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI) Pinnacle Practice at the Compass Practice Transformation Network (PTN) Innovation Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia. This honor means the world to us because it validates our consistent efforts to provide high-quality, innovative clinical care.