As a Community Connect Partner of UnityPoint Health-Meriter, Associated Physicians uses UnityPoint's EPIC electronic health record system for our patient information. This means that you also have access to your Associated Physicians patient information through My UnityPoint.
Benefits of using My UnityPoint:
Request a new appointment or a change to an existing appointment
Securely send electronic messages to your healthcare providers
Receive laboratory test results online
Receive radiology reports online
View your medications, allergies, immunizations, and diagnoses
View your medical information on your iPhone, iPad or Android
Virtual Visits with your provider
To activate your My UnityPoint account or request proxy access to someone’s account who you care for, visit chart.myunitypoint.org/mychart or ask a clinic staff member about My UnityPoint at your next clinic visit.
Please note, MyUnityPoint messages that require your doctor to spend a bit more clinical time and expertise on your care now may be billed to your insurance. This is not too different from having a virtual visit with your doctor. Coverage for this type of care depends on your insurance plan, so we recommend reaching out to them to confirm coverage.
After selecting “Ask a Medical Question,” patients will see new a new pop-up window, informing them that their message may be billable. This is the point where they can choose to proceed with sending the message. Once the message is received, our clinical staff triages the message right away in order to provide the best care possible.
Billable Messages: The types of messages that will be billable are discussions initiated by a patient related to new symptoms or acute illness, changes to medications, or changes to a long-term condition. This is because these will require medical evaluation and management as they would occur during an appointment.
Non-Billable Messages: The kinds of messages that will not be billable are responses to requests initiated by a provider, a question or clarification on recent orders (e.g., lab orders), appointment requests, follow-up questions from an in-person visit in the last 7 days (including in-clinic appointments or emergency/urgent care), updates on a condition or progress since the last visit that does not require an updated plan of care, or requests for copies of immunizations, dosing guidelines, or simple orders. These kinds of messages are the vast majority of the messages we receive. Patient requests made over the phone will remain not billable.
Introducing Lucy and MyChart Central
My UnityPoint and their Community Connect Partners have teamed up to make managing your health easier than ever
Access all of your MyChart accounts, including those from the Madison-area and national healthcare organizations, from one place, with a single username and password.
Store permanent copies of your medical record and take them with you wherever you go.
Share your own health information or information from Associated Physicians with all organizations where you receive care.
Lucy is independent of any healthcare organization so this information will be available to you, online, wherever you go.
How to sign up for MyChartCentral and Lucy:
Log into your My UnityPoint account: chart.myunitypoint.org/mychart
Under My Linked Records in the menu on the left, click Learn More.
Follow the instructions on the screens that follow.
Check your e-mail for an activation message, and follow the activation link to get started!
If you have any questions regarding your medical information in My UnityPoint or if you need information beyond what is available to you online, please call Associated Physicians at (608) 233-9746.
For MyUnityPoint sign-up and technical questions, please call the patient help desk at (877) 224-4430.