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そのため、Associated Physicians、LLPのOB / GYNスペシャリストは、あらゆる段階であなたのヘルスケアのパートナーです。ウィスコンシン州マディソンの便利な場所で、温かくサポートの行き届いた環境で、パーソナライズされた包括的なヘルスケアを提供します。


医師のホバー 名前。医師の経歴をクリックしてください。




私たちは、マディソンと近隣のコミュニティの家族が何世代にもわたって優れた患者中心の医療を受けてきたAssociated Physicians、LLPで実践できることを誇りに思っています。実際、Associated Physicians、LLPは、市内で最も長くサービスを提供している独立した複数の専門医療機関です。





Specialized Resources and Education

We are dedicated to providing patients with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their healthcare. Amanda Van Elzen, OB/GYN Nurse Educator, helps guide OB/GYN patients through many of life’s situations. Her years of experience in direct patient care means that our patients can be sure that they are receiving the trusted, expert care that they deserve.


Her role is not only unique to our clinic, but it’s also the first role of its kind in the Greater Madison Area. We are excited to bring our patients such a distinctive opportunity. Amanda provides pregnancy, lactation, surgical, and mental health resources and education to our OB/GYN patients. Pregnant patients will meet her during their first, 30-week, and postpartum OB visits, and gynecological surgery patients will meet her for their pre-operative and post-operative appointments. Additionally, for continuity of care, at the 30-week appointment, pregnant patients can expect a meet and greet with the nurses in our Pediatric department. If requested, OB/GYN patients can also schedule with Amanda individually. 


Amanda says, “I am so excited to transition into the Education Nurse role from the hospital bedside delivering hundreds of babies the last 8 years. I want my role to facilitate knowledge and confidence in my patients, not only during pregnancy and delivery but throughout the different gynecological stages of life. I am passionate about empowering my patients to advocate for their health; both physical and mental. I am able to team with our incredible providers to assure the person is taken care of, in each and every facet. I have a special interest in inclusiveness and ensuring that each person feels heard, and represented. I strive to support and encourage a diverse population that will feel safe in our space, which aligns with Associated Physicians' values.


Prior to delivering babies, where I worked alongside our amazing physicians, I worked at UW as a nurse in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) as well as bartending downtown Madison. When I am not working, I am a mom to two kind and energetic boys, 3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 fish, and we foster dogs for a local rescue as well. I also partner with my wonderful husband to stage his real estate homes, and love to work out, travel, and am a connoisseur of keeping house plants alive."

Amanda was featured in the March/April 2022 edition of Brava Magazine and discussed "Getting a Handle on Stress" (p. 50).

EDIT-Amanda V. Cropped.HEIC
Amanda Van Elzen, RN, CLC
OB/GYN Nurse Educator


私たちは、患者に最高の個別ケアを提供することに専念する緊密なOB / GYNチームです。私たちは効果的なコミュニケーションを重視し、必要なときにいつでも利用できるようにします。私たちは、小児科、内科、足病学などを実践している同僚と1つの屋根の下にいます。あなたの家族全員が1つの便利な場所で専門家のヘルスケアにアクセスできます。健康についてご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。


関連する医師は、患者に最新かつ最高の医療技術を提供することに専念しています。私たちのOB / GYNチームは、この2つのエキサイティングな例を採用しました。それらは、より迅速でより正確な診断のためのより明確な視覚化を提供するハンドヘルドのポータブル子宮鏡であるEndoseeを利用しています。 Endoseeを使用すると、患者はクリニックですぐに診断されるため、追加の予約の必要性と回答を待つために費やす時間がなくなりました。また、超音波装置と統合されたTricefyテクノロジーを使用して、特別な最初の写真を妊娠中の患者とテキストで共有できるようにしています。 


The OB/GYN department is excited to partner with Leopold's and Mystery To Me to bring the joys of literary works to Madison through their monthly exclusive book selections!

As doctors, they LOVE that reading helps with improving focus and memory, and reducing stress, all while helping you learn important new perspectives.

OBGYN Cutting Edge
OB Nurse Education





©2023byAssociated Physicians、LLP

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