Obstetrics uye Gynecology
Mwoyo Murefu
Iwo akanakisa emadzitateguru uye gynecologists vanoziva kuti kwavo kwevarwere kwehutano zvinodiwa zvinodiwa zvakasiyana. Kubva pakubata kuenda kuhutano hwepfupa, kune shanduko yemahormone, iwe unoda akanakisa OB / GYN chiremba ave aripo kwauri, nguva dzose.
Ndosaka nyanzvi dzeOB / GYN dzeVakabatanidzwa Vanachiremba, LLP vanobatana muhutano hwako nhanho dzese dzenzira. Isu tinopa munhu akasarudzika, hutano hwakakwana munzvimbo inodziya uye inotsigira pane imwe nzvimbo iri nyore, iko kuno kuMadison, Wisconsin.
Hover yechiremba zita. Dzvanya kune chiremba biography.
Nyanzvi Kuchengeta
Sevachiremba-vanozivikanwa vanachiremba uye vane hunyanzvi vakanyoreswa vanamukoti, tinoshandisa nguva yekukuziva iwe zvakanaka. Isu tinogara tichingori kufona kure, kunyangwe iwe uine mubvunzo kana uchida kuronga zuva rimwe chete kusarudzwa. Isu takazvipira kune hutano hwako hwese, saka tinokupa iwe ruzivo uye zviwanikwa zvaunoda kuti utore zvakanakira kuzvitarisira pachako padanho rega rehupenyu.
Isu tinodada nekudzidzira kuAssociated Physicians, LLP, uko mhuri dzinobva kuMadison nenharaunda dziri padhuze dzakagamuchira hutano hwakanyanya-hwakanangana nehutano hwezvizvarwa. Muchokwadi, Vakabatana Vanachiremba, LLP ndiyo yeguta rakarebesa-rinoshanda rakazvimirira rakasiyana-siyana hunyanzvi hwekurapa maitiro.
Kune varwere veese mazera, isu tinopa zvakakwana, zvekudzivirira zvinosanganisira bvunzo, mammograms, kuraira kwekuzvarwa, kutarisirwa kwepamuviri uye kubereka, uye mabasa ekuvhiya anosanganisira laparoscopic uye maitiro ekusimbisa echikadzi. Isu tinoshanda kutsigira hutano muzvinhu zvese zvehutano, asi kana paitika matambudziko tinopa tsitsi, kuongororwa kwakanaka uye kurapwa kwezvirwere, zvinetswa, uye zvisingaperi mamiriro. Takazvipira kubatsira murwere wega wega watinoona vachiita yavo vega sarudzo dzehutano.
Isu tinopawo lactation kuraira! Tichasangana nevabereki vari kuyamwisa vana chete kubatsira nekubata, vabereki vari kupomba chete kuvaratidza mashandisiro epombi yavo zvinobudirira, uye chero ani ari pakati.
Specialized Resources and Education
We are dedicated to providing patients with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their healthcare. Amanda Van Elzen, OB/GYN Nurse Educator, helps guide OB/GYN patients through many of life’s situations. Her years of experience in direct patient care means that our patients can be sure that they are receiving the trusted, expert care that they deserve.
Her role is not only unique to our clinic, but it’s also the first role of its kind in the Greater Madison Area. We are excited to bring our patients such a distinctive opportunity. Amanda provides pregnancy, lactation, surgical, and mental health resources and education to our OB/GYN patients. Pregnant patients will meet her during their first, 30-week, and postpartum OB visits, and gynecological surgery patients will meet her for their pre-operative and post-operative appointments. Additionally, for continuity of care, at the 30-week appointment, pregnant patients can expect a meet and greet with the nurses in our Pediatric department. If requested, OB/GYN patients can also schedule with Amanda individually.
Amanda says, “I am so excited to transition into the Education Nurse role from the hospital bedside delivering hundreds of babies the last 8 years. I want my role to facilitate knowledge and confidence in my patients, not only during pregnancy and delivery but throughout the different gynecological stages of life. I am passionate about empowering my patients to advocate for their health; both physical and mental. I am able to team with our incredible providers to assure the person is taken care of, in each and every facet. I have a special interest in inclusiveness and ensuring that each person feels heard, and represented. I strive to support and encourage a diverse population that will feel safe in our space, which aligns with Associated Physicians' values.
Prior to delivering babies, where I worked alongside our amazing physicians, I worked at UW as a nurse in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) as well as bartending downtown Madison. When I am not working, I am a mom to two kind and energetic boys, 3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 fish, and we foster dogs for a local rescue as well. I also partner with my wonderful husband to stage his real estate homes, and love to work out, travel, and am a connoisseur of keeping house plants alive."
Amanda was featured in the March/April 2022 edition of Brava Magazine and discussed "Getting a Handle on Stress" (p. 50).
Amanda Van Elzen, RN, CLC
OB/GYN Nurse Educator
Inyore uye Inonzwisisika
Isu tiri rakabatana-rakabatana OB / GYN timu yakatsaurirwa kupa varwere vedu zvakanakisa mune yakasarudzika kutarisirwa. Isu tinoisa kukosha kwakanyanya pakukurukurirana kunoshanda uye kuve nechokwadi chekuti tinowanikwa kana iwe uchitida. Tiri pasi peimwe denga nevamwe vatinoshanda navo vanoita zvePediatrics, Yemukati Mushonga, Podiatry, nezvimwe. Mhuri yako yese inokwanisa kuwana hunyanzvi hwekuchengetwa kwehutano pane imwe nzvimbo iri nyore. Kana iwe uine mubvunzo nezve hutano hwako, tinofara kubatsira.
Kucheka Edge
Vanosangana Vanachiremba vakazvipira kuunza varwere vedu izvo zvazvino uye zvakanyanya muhunyanzvi hwekurapa. Chikwata chedu cheOB / GYNs chakakwira mienzaniso miviri inonakidza yeiyi. Ivo vanoshandisa Endosee, inobata ruoko, inotakurika hysteroscope iyo inopa yakajeka kujekesa yeinokurumidza, yakanyatsojeka kuongororwa. NaEndosee, isu tabvisa kudiwa kwekuwedzeredzwa nguva uye nguva inopedzwa kumirira mhinduro sezvo murwere achizoonekwa ipapo ipapo, mu-kiriniki! Ivo zvakare vanoshandisa Tricefy, tekinoroji inosanganiswa neyedu ultrasound michina iyo inotibvumidza isu kugovana iwo akakosha ekutanga mafoto nevarwere vedu vane nhumbu kuburikidza zvinyorwa.
The OB/GYN department is excited to partner with Leopold's and Mystery To Me to bring the joys of literary works to Madison through their monthly exclusive book selections!
As doctors, they LOVE that reading helps with improving focus and memory, and reducing stress, all while helping you learn important new perspectives.