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Akusherlik va ginekologiya

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Bemor salomatligi


Eng yaxshi akusher -ginekologlar biladilarki, bemorlarning sog'lig'iga bo'lgan ehtiyojlari o'ziga xosdir. Homiladorlikdan suyak salomatligiga, gormonal o'zgarishlargacha, siz har doim eng yaxshi shifokor -ginekolog bo'lishingizni xohlaysiz.


Shu sababli, Associated Physicians, LLP OB/GYN mutaxassislari sizning sog'lig'ingizni har qadamda qo'llab -quvvatlaydilar. Biz Viskonsin shtatining Madison shahrida, qulay joyda, iliq va qulay muhitda shaxsiylashtirilgan, keng qamrovli tibbiy yordam ko'rsatamiz.


Shifokor uchun suring  ism Shifokorning tarjimai holi uchun bosing.

Ekspert parvarishi

Kengash tomonidan tasdiqlangan shifokorlar va malakali hamshiralar sifatida biz siz bilan yaqindan tanishish uchun vaqt ajratamiz. Agar sizda biron bir savol bo'lsa yoki bir kunlik uchrashuvni rejalashtirish kerak bo'lsa, biz doimo telefon qo'ng'irog'ida bo'lamiz. Biz sizning umr bo'yi sog'lig'ingizga sodiqmiz, shuning uchun biz sizga hayotning har bir bosqichida o'zingizga eng yaxshi g'amxo'rlik qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan bilim va resurslarni beramiz.


Biz "Associated Physicians" MChJda mashq qilishdan g'ururlanamiz, u erda Madison va yaqin atrofdagi jamoalar oilalari bemorlarga yo'naltirilgan sog'liqni asrab-avaylab, avloddan-avlodga etkazishgan. Aslida, Associated Physicians, LLP-bu shaharning ko'p yillik mustaqil tibbiyot amaliyoti.


Har qanday yoshdagi bemorlar uchun biz keng qamrovli profilaktika yordamini, shu jumladan imtihonlar, mamogramlar, tug'ilishni nazorat qilish bo'yicha maslahatlar, tug'ruqdan keyingi parvarish va tug'ish, laparoskopik va jinsni tasdiqlovchi muolajalarni o'z ichiga olamiz. Biz sog'liqni saqlashning barcha jabhalarida sog'lomlikni qo'llab -quvvatlash uchun ishlaymiz, lekin muammolar yuzaga kelganda, biz kasalliklarni, asoratlarni va surunkali kasalliklarni rahmdil, samarali tashxislash va davolashni ta'minlaymiz. Biz ko'rgan har bir bemorga sog'liqni saqlash to'g'risida eng yaxshi qaror qabul qilishiga yordam berishga tayyormiz.


Shuningdek, biz laktatsiya davrida maslahat beramiz! Biz emizishni faqat emizayotgan ota -onalar, nasosdan qanday samarali foydalanishni ko'rsatish uchun faqat emizayotgan ota -onalar bilan uchrashamiz.

Specialized Resources and Education

We are dedicated to providing patients with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their healthcare. Amanda Van Elzen, OB/GYN Nurse Educator, helps guide OB/GYN patients through many of life’s situations. Her years of experience in direct patient care means that our patients can be sure that they are receiving the trusted, expert care that they deserve.


Her role is not only unique to our clinic, but it’s also the first role of its kind in the Greater Madison Area. We are excited to bring our patients such a distinctive opportunity. Amanda provides pregnancy, lactation, surgical, and mental health resources and education to our OB/GYN patients. Pregnant patients will meet her during their first, 30-week, and postpartum OB visits, and gynecological surgery patients will meet her for their pre-operative and post-operative appointments. Additionally, for continuity of care, at the 30-week appointment, pregnant patients can expect a meet and greet with the nurses in our Pediatric department. If requested, OB/GYN patients can also schedule with Amanda individually. 


Amanda says, “I am so excited to transition into the Education Nurse role from the hospital bedside delivering hundreds of babies the last 8 years. I want my role to facilitate knowledge and confidence in my patients, not only during pregnancy and delivery but throughout the different gynecological stages of life. I am passionate about empowering my patients to advocate for their health; both physical and mental. I am able to team with our incredible providers to assure the person is taken care of, in each and every facet. I have a special interest in inclusiveness and ensuring that each person feels heard, and represented. I strive to support and encourage a diverse population that will feel safe in our space, which aligns with Associated Physicians' values.


Prior to delivering babies, where I worked alongside our amazing physicians, I worked at UW as a nurse in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) as well as bartending downtown Madison. When I am not working, I am a mom to two kind and energetic boys, 3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 fish, and we foster dogs for a local rescue as well. I also partner with my wonderful husband to stage his real estate homes, and love to work out, travel, and am a connoisseur of keeping house plants alive."

Amanda was featured in the March/April 2022 edition of Brava Magazine and discussed "Getting a Handle on Stress" (p. 50).

EDIT-Amanda V. Cropped.HEIC
Amanda Van Elzen, RN, CLC
OB/GYN Nurse Educator

Qulay va keng qamrovli

Biz bemorlarimizga shaxsiy parvarish bo'yicha eng yaxshi xizmatlarni ko'rsatishga bag'ishlangan, birlashgan OB/GYN jamoasi. Biz samarali muloqotga katta ahamiyat beramiz va sizga kerak bo'lganda mavjud ekanligimizga ishonch hosil qilamiz. Pediatriya, ichki kasalliklar, podiatri va boshqa sohalarda shug'ullanadigan hamkasblarimiz bilan biz bir tom ostida turibmiz. Sizning butun oilangiz malakali tibbiy yordamdan bitta qulay joyda foydalanish imkoniyatiga ega. Agar sog'lig'ingiz haqida savollaringiz bo'lsa, biz sizga yordam berishdan xursand bo'lamiz.


Assotsiatsiyalangan shifokorlar bizning bemorlarimizga tibbiyotning eng yangi va eng yangi texnologiyalarini olib kelishga bag'ishlangan. Bizning OB/GYNs jamoasi bunga ikkita ajoyib misolni kiritdi. Ular tezroq va aniqroq tashxis qo'yish uchun aniq vizualizatsiyani ta'minlaydigan portativ histeroskopli Endosee -dan foydalanadilar. Endosee yordamida biz qo'shimcha uchrashuvlar va javob kutish vaqtini yo'q qildik, chunki bemorga darhol, klinikada tashxis qo'yiladi! Ular, shuningdek, ultratovushli uskunamiz bilan integratsiyalashgan Tricefy texnologiyasidan foydalanadilar, bu bizga birinchi maxsus fotosuratlarni homilador bemorlarimizga matn orqali ulashish imkonini beradi. 


The OB/GYN department is excited to partner with Leopold's and Mystery To Me to bring the joys of literary works to Madison through their monthly exclusive book selections!

As doctors, they LOVE that reading helps with improving focus and memory, and reducing stress, all while helping you learn important new perspectives.

OBGYN Cutting Edge
OB Nurse Education


4410 Regent Sent -Madison, WI 53705



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