Resources for Parents
MyUnityPoint Proxy Access
Manage your child's health care needs online with MyUnity Point Proxy access: Click here for more information
Developmental Assessment Forms
Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Please note that this questionnaire takes between 15-30 minutes and it must be completed in one sitting to save results

NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Forms
Physical Forms
*Patients 18+ or parents with children 18 years or younger: please fill out the first two pages of this form BEFORE the appointment.*
Newborn Screening Information
Meriter Breastfeeding Clinic: 608-417-6547; Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm
Immunization Resources:
Easy-to-Read Vaccination Schedules from the CDC
Measles Protection for Children- American Academy of Pediatricians
Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
American Academy of Pediatrics Childhood Immunization Support Program
Child Development
Parenting Support
Parental Stress Line: 608-241-2221 6am-Midnight; En Espanol: Tuesday, 1pm-4pm; Thursday, 10am-12pm and after 6pm
Families United Network: 608-241-4888
Poison Control Center
National Hotline: 800-222-1222
Safety Information
Travel Information
UW Health Travel Clinic: 608-263-6421
Childcare Information
National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care
National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies
Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc.-Madison area resource and referral agency for child care.
Diet/Nutrition information