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Be SMART: Secure Firearm Storage


**This blog is regarding firearm storage safety only and does not take a side regarding firearm legislation.**

Recently, we were in touch with a volunteer from Dane County’s chapter of Be SMART, which is a non-partisan campaign to raise awareness about secure firearm storage. We know this topic may be uncomfortable, but unfortunately, the problem is bigger than we think, and our kiddos are at risk. Here is what we learned:


Kids are curious and don't always understand that their curiosity may put them in harm's way. Have you ever left out a cleaning product during chore time? Maybe walked away from something heavy on the counter? The most routine behaviors that we don't even think twice about as adults can lead to tragedy for a child.

Countless households in Wisconsin own firearms. In fact, the gun ownership rate in Wisconsin is 47.1%, which makes us seventeenth in the nation in terms of gun ownership rate. That's a whole lot of firepower for our kiddos to access, so let's Be SMART!

What does Be SMART mean?

According to Be SMART, their framework is designed to help parents and adults normalize conversations about gun safety and take responsible actions that can prevent child gun deaths and injuries.

The Be SMART campaign was launched to raise awareness that secure gun storage—storing guns locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition—can save children’s lives. Be SMART emphasizes that it’s an adult responsibility to keep kids from accessing guns, and that every adult can play a role in keeping kids and communities safer.


Be SMART has a ton of great resources to help you and those around you know where to start! Click the drop-down menu below to display all the resources.

All Resources


Aaron Donald on Secure Gun Storage

Be SMART Anthem

S is for SECURE

M is for MODEL

A is for ASK


T is for TELL

Virtual Trivia Night

If you want to get involved or learn more about Be SMART, connect with them HERE.


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