Still putting off your flu shot? PLEASE don't wait any longer, because this season is hitting harder and faster than ever. Because of this, we are holding individual AND family flu clinics this season to make protecting you and yours from the flu convenient! While you're dialing our number, 608-233-9746, to schedule your flu shot (seriously, we mean it 😉) check out Dr. Buencamino's flu-fighting tricks to keep the flu away from YOU!

Viruses like colds and flu last 7-10 days, which means symptoms like body aches, runny noses, fatigue, and sore throat may be around for a while. Antibiotics do not work against viruses - so the best protection is to help prevent illness and stay healthy!
1. Get a Flu Shot. 💉
The flu vaccine is proven to be the most effective way to prevent the flu. Call Associated Physicians to schedule your flu shot. We are offering Family Flu Clinics this year.
2. Help reduce the spread of germs. 🦠
Cough and sneeze into your elbow or sleeve. Wash your hands often. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer is a good alternative.
3. Practice healthy habits. 🍎
Eat balanced meals, drink plenty of water, get adequate sleep and make time for exercise.

If you are feeling ill and would like to talk to us, call us at
608-233-9746. We can make recommendations for at-home remedies and help decide if you need an appointment.
Easy enough, right? So, what are you waiting for? Give us a call, get your flu shot and help us kick influenza's butt! 🙌 We can't wait to see you.