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4/1/2024 - 11/30/2024: Sheboygan/Segoe Redesign

There will be a complete redesign of an area near the clinic which may affect street parking and traffic for patients. The overall project includes pavement reconstruction, spot replacements of curb and gutter, sidewalk, and driveway aprons. The project also includes improved pedestrian crossings, bike lanes, storm sewer replacement, new storm sewer (existing will remain), partial replacement of sanitary sewer and laterals, partial replacement of water main and services, new street lighting, new pavement markings, and new signs. Segoe Road will be reconfigured from 2 lanes in each direction to 1 lane in each direction with two layout options. 

For more information, CLICK HERE

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Looking for details on our parking ramp? Click HERE.


4410 Regent St.Madison, WI 53705



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