Est Dr. Schroeder UW-Madison alumna, accipiens eius Bachelor of Science 1991. Et accepit illam et Doctorate Degree of Medicine Podiatric ex The New York Podiatric College of Medicine. Et fecerunt quae manu redditur per tres annos sedes ad arces Wyckoff Medical Center in New York, NY *. Et etiam est in manu magistri in New York Podiatric College of Medicine. Dr. Schroeder privately et exercitati in Manhattan, NY.
Socius, American College of Pede et TALUS chirurgi
Socius, American Medical Association Podiatric
Socius, California Medical Association Podiatric
* Prima doctrina consociant ad Cornell University

Dr. Schroeder aegris potest videre apud Associated Aiunt medici et Associated Podiatrists. Vicus tractus illa acceptet omnia consilia atque in EPIC ut curare accessum notas maxime extra providers.