Dr. Schroeder ndi UW-Madison alumna, akumulandila Bachelor of Science Degree mu 1991. Kenako adalandira Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine Degree kuchokera ku The New York College of Podiatric Medicine. Adakhala zaka zitatu ku Wyckoff Heights Medical Center ku New York, NY *. Analinso mphunzitsi wa zamankhwala ku New York College of Podiatric Medicine. Dr. Schroeder adachitanso zachinsinsi ku Manhattan, NY.
Mamembala, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
Membala, American Podiatric Medical Association
Membala, Wisconsin Podiatric Medical Association
* Kuphunzitsa koyambirira ku University of Cornell

Dr. Schroeder amatha kuwona odwala ku Associated Physicians and Associated Podiatrists. Amalandira mapulani onse a Quartz ndipo ali pa EPIC kuti manotsi azisamalidwa ndi omwe amapereka kunja.