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Michelle Schroeder, DPM, FACFAS

Kaki lengkep sareng Perawatan Kaki

Podiatrist, Dr. Michelle Schroeder

Dr Schroeder mangrupikeun alumni UW-Madison, nampi gelar Sarjana Élmu di 1991. Anjeunna teras nampi gelar Doktor Kedokteran Podiatric ti The New York College of Podiatric Medicine. Anjeunna damel karésidénan bedah tilu taun di Pusat Médis Wyckoff Heights di New York, NY *. Anjeunna ogé instruktur bedah di New York College of Podiatric Medicine. Dr Schroeder ogé latihan sacara pribadi di Manhattan, NY.




  • Anggota, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons

  • Anggota, Asosiasi Médis Podiatric Amérika

  • Anggota, Asosiasi Médis Podiatric Wisconsin


* Afiliasi pangajaran primér ka Universitas Cornell

Podiatrist, Dr. Michelle Schroeder working with patient.

Dr Schroeder tiasa ningali pasién di Associated Physicians and Associated Podiatrists. Anjeunna nampi sadayana rencana Quartz sareng aya dina EPIC kanggo ngajantenkeun catetan perawatan tiasa diaksés ku seueur panyadia luar.

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