UDkt. Schroeder uyi-UW-Madison alumna, ethola iziqu zakhe zeBachelor of Science Degree ngo-1991. Wabe esethola iziqu zakhe zeDoctorate of Podiatric Medicine Degree eThe New York College of Podiatric Medicine. Wenze ukuhlala iminyaka emithathu e-Wyckoff Heights Medical Center eNew York, NY *. Wayenguthisha wokuhlinza eNew York College of Podiatric Medicine. UDkt.Schroeder naye ubesebenza ngasese eManhattan, NY.
Ilungu, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
Ilungu, i-American Podiatric Medical Association
Ilungu, iWisconsin Podiatric Medical Association
* Inhlangano yokufundisa eyinhloko eCornell University

UDkt.Schroeder angabona iziguli e-Associated Physicians nakuma-Associated Podiatrists. Wamukela zonke izinhlelo zeQuartz futhi uku-EPIC ukwenza amanothi okunakekela afinyeleleke kubahlinzeki abaningi bangaphandle.